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CALL FOR ONE TECHNOLOGY EXPERT - Telecommunications, Computer Engineering, and Photonics Institute - EP1 [tec-2022-006]

  • Call notice date 31.08.2022
  • Deadline for application submission 22.09.2022 - 23:59

Sant’Anna School for Advanced Studies announces a public selection based on qualification and competitive exams for one technology expert, following art. 24-bis L. 240/2010; the contract will run for 18 months, with placement in EP grade, economic position EP1, at the Telecommunications, Computer Engineering, and Photonics Institute of Sant’Anna School for Advanced Studies. This role will provide both technical and managerial support to the projects SAMARCANDA: “MiRNA salivari biomarcatori di cancro ovarico: sviluppo di un sensore fotonico per screening di popolazione”(Salivary MiRNA biomarkers of ovarian cancer: development of a photon sensor for population screening), EnerMIND: “Energy Management in the Era of Industry 4.0”, and MAXH2DR: “Maximise H2 Enrichment in Direct Reduction Shaft Furnaces”.

For further information please contact the Administration and Technical Staff Office, +39 050 883552/577, e-mail: 

For technical issues, please contact the CINECA support at the following footer: 

The software for the submission of applications will be available from 02/09/2022.